
A troubled life, a difficult death

Editor’s note: National Homelessness Awareness Week is November 10-18. Like many of our homeless patients, “Sarah” was a bundle of contradictions. She came from money, got a good…

ACE inhibitors and acute kidney injury

Researchers in England found that increased prescribing of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor antagonists (ARAs) was associated with the increased rates of hospital admissions for acute kidney injury. Read…

Microalbumin: Little test, big payoff

The earlier renal disease is detected, the better. That’s why the microalbumin test is so important for patients with certain chronic conditions.

Reversing opioid-induced respiratory depression

For a patient receiving high-dose opioids, frequent monitoring of the sedation level and quick intervention when that level increases stops respiratory depression from claiming another victim.

Understanding & identifying rare liver disorder

In recognition of National Liver Awareness Month, American Nurse Today highlights a condition often overlooked and misunderstood, leading to misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE). (more…)

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Which of the following is correct about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)?